
Proverbs 31


King Lemuel’s mother was a wise woman, she passed on wisdom to her son. She told him;

  • Do not allow anything affect judgement for the worse, as a king your judgement is crucial.
  • Speak for those who have no voice and ensure justice for the poor and helpless. Do not ignore their plight.
  • A king has loads of influence. Let your influence be for good not evil.

An honourable woman (wife)

A person who is trustworthy, enriches and enhances the quality or value of her husband. She does not bring harm to her husband but good. All the days of her life.

She make clothing and bring food from afar; knowledge about other cultures.

She has employees working for her. And she takes care of them and she is not given to laziness and idleness and has a good bubbly vitality

She is focused and possess excellent organisational skills. She finishes what she starts. She is like the ant, she prepares well for winter

She is generous. This shows empathy and comfort

She dresses in quality, and appropriately, like a priest and royalty.

She has strength and dignity and she laughs and is secured about her future

Her words are wise and kind

She is not idle but knows how to run her household

The member of her household call her blessed. They acknowledge that she does enrich their lives

Very high resolution 3d rendering of a ruby isolated over white.

Charm and beauty never last. The charm wears out and the beauty fades or grows old. What lasts is a woman who fears the Lord. For the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

She would enjoy the fruits of wisdom, life, health, riches, wealth, protection, honour, peace, strength, long life

Who can find a virtuous woman? Are you this virtuous woman?

If a woman possess all the above qualities and have no fear of the Lord then she is but a fool. For it is the fear the Lord that makes the woman virtuous.

So ladies the thing to do is fear the Lord.