Show Notes

097 A judge a poet


The status of a judge does not necessarily spell out poetry or song writing. Let’s explore the song written by this female judge in our study today. We would be looking at Judges 5

In this study, the tools we would use for this study are 

  1. Who, What, When, Where, and How tool
  2. What does it mean? 
  3. How does it apply to me today?

So let’s dig in and turn the bible to Judges 5

Who, What, When, Where, and How to

Deborah and Barak, son of Abinoam, collaborated to write and sing this song.  praising God and illustrating how the battle was won. Her Praise flow from a heart that is full

Deborah narrated the distressed state of Israel under the oppression of Jabin king of Canan and his general Sisera. She pointed out how Israel got into that state through her idol worshipping

When leaders lead, people are willing. She makes a personal declaration of God’s praises emphasising her own responsibility in praising God. Declaring the greatness of God.

She reminds the people to listen to music that recites the victories of the Lord. She calls on those who had benefited from the advantages of this great salvation and deliverance, to offer up thanks to God for it.

While she praises God she acknowledges those who joined Deborah and Barak in the battle against Sesira. Those who came to assist in the task that God had given were from  the following  tribes in Israel Ephraim, Benjamin, Zebulun, Issachar, Naphtali,

The tribes of Reuben, Manasseh, Dan and Asher, did not join the army to fight Israel’s common enemy Jabin king of Canan and his general Sisera

She describes how God fought for Israel. How God caused nature and everything around to ensure that Israel’s  victory was secured.

She acknowledged the part that  Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite, played in the destruction of General Sesira. 

General Sisera’s mother, would not receive any spoils of wars

Deborah ends with a prayer to God for the destruction of all his enemies, and for the comfort of those who love the Lord.

What does (this passage ) mean? 

Deborah called on her own soul to be in earnest. Her leadership was not barking out instructions rather it was leadership by example. Those being led are more willing to follow those who lead by example. Deborah led by example in the walk of faith by going with Barak to Kedesh and she also led by example when it was time to praise God. She praised God and awoke others to do the same.

Which means that those that will set the hearts of other people on fire with the love of Christ, must themselves burn with the love of Christ Jesus. 

A reminder to listen to music that recite the victories of the Lord- to stir up faith and confidence in God’s word

While she praised God, she notices those who fought against Israel, those who fought alongside Israel, and those who kept away abdicating their duties by their indifference to the fight.


How does it apply to me today?

Deborah exemplified good leadership. In instructing, going to battle and leading in the praising of God for the victory He gave them.

How do I stand with a brother or sister whose faith is shaking? How do I handle the weakest person in a team? Is It with jest, or ignoring the person or standing with them? When I lead, is it to lord it over another or is it by example?

How do I stir up my own faith and the faith of others. We see Deborah use music that sings of God’s victories. To remind ourselves that it is God that secures victory and on Him we should rely and put our confidence.

Do you acknowledge those who helped you along the way? Ultimate praise belongs to God but it is proper to notice those human beings that help us on our journey. 

When there is a common task to do, do you fold your arms thinking others would do it or do you do your bit? God wanted something done in Israel but not all the tribes pitched in. The thing is that what God wants done will still be done. It is our privilege for God to want something done through an effort we make. He does not need us, but He chooses us. What will be our response? 

The battle against king Jabin of Canan and general Sesira who had oppressed Israel for 20 whole years was not an easy task. Those who kept away from the battle did they keep away  because they were afraid, or unconcerned, or laziness or selfish. Jesus called all believers to make disciples of all nations. It is a general calling for the body of Christ but in what way are you and I pitching in to this task? Are we leaving it to others to do without joining in, or are we partakers?

Philippians 2:21: For everyone looks out for their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ.

For we cannot keep away from the contest between the Lord God and his enemies;

Jesus said in Matthew 5:13-14

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. “You are the light of the world

We christinas are the light and salt of the earth. If we do not actively endeavour to promote God’s works in this wicked world, then we are like the salt losing its use and being trampled upon. Let us do our part in the body of Christ.

This concludes our study of the female judge in ancient times. RememberJesus said you are the salt the earth needs.

Be blessed

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