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082 scale of justice in Hosea 6


There in the scale of justice seats sacrifice at one end and at the ends seats obedience. Where would the scale tip in favour of? Obedience or sacrifice? Let’s explore this further in Hosea chapter 6

In this study, the tools we would use for this study are 

  1. Who, What, When, Where, and How tool
  2. What does it mean? 
  3. How does it apply to me today?

So let’s dig in and turn the bible to Hosea 6

Who, What, When, Where, and How tool

A call to repentance

Although God had chartised Israel for her sin, He was ready to heal and restore her..

Israel is encouraged to know God. 

If Israel was to seek God, God will response to her

Israel & Judah love for God is fleeting ( unstable like the mist, with no substance)

God sent prophets to warn Israel & Judah of impending judgement

God expected the response from Israel was of love (mercy) not just sacrifice.

For Israel to know God more than the burnt offering they brought to  the temple 

Israel broke her covenant with God and betrayed His trust

Israel continued in her sinful ways of idolatry and bloodshed. The priests also continued in their robbery 

although God wants to restore but Israel & Judah continue in their sin so inevitable punishment awaits them.

What does (this passage ) mean? 

(Why): God yearns for a relationship with Israel not just the semantics but a guinea XXX to know God

God longs to be gracious to Israel & Judah despite their sin. He sent a warning so that they may correct their ways and repent of their sins. God warns them over and over again. Israel’s response to the warning was to bring sacrifice as if that justified the sin they continue. 

How does it apply to me today?

(Giving resources to the church does not and is not an excuse to continue to do the wrong things and say well at least I give to the church or charity or help the poor. What God requires firstly is for us to know HIM)

When Saul sinned, and he was warned he brought sacrifice instead of repentance, The kingdom was taken from his family and given to David. To obey is better than sacrifice and to hearken than the fats of ram.

Outward observances to God’s laws or precepts will not make up for the lack of the love of God and others or obedience to God.

 Israel had broken his national covenant, notwithstanding all the blessings and favour they received from God. In the world we live in a time of God’s blessing and favour. With knowledge being given to men and women as discoveries are made in different fields. These discoveries have improved the lot of the human race. But are we as communities obedient to God?

Bringing it closer home. Do you or I give to church ( be it in financial capacity or in service ) like it is a penance of our disobeying God’s laws? What God wants most is from us is obedience

May the Lord put his fear into our hearts, and a love for Him and others. May we see His love, so that we repent from sin and run to God because He loves us dearly. Amen.

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