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081 Sorry but not in Hosea 5


Have you ever had to say sorry to someone and you didn’t mean  it and they can see that you don’t mean it. You’re just saying it because it is what is expected?

In this study, the tools we would use for this study are 

  1. Who, What, When, Where, and How tool
  2. What does it mean? 
  3. How does it apply to me today?

So let’s dig in and turn the bible to Hosea 5

Who, What, When, Where, and How tool

This chapter is one of judgement, however, the judgement here is particularly against leaders. These leaders have led their people in the worship of idols

The priest,  the religious leaders are identified, the royal family, the government of the day lead Israel in the worship of idols.

The nation, its leader and people are so into their idol worshiping that they won’t return to God because of arrogance and guilt of sin

Judah too is not exempt from the coming judgement.

Israel & Judah received their punishment from God. But instead of turning to God, they turned to the king of Assyria who could not help or cure them.

What does (this passage ) mean? 

In the preciou chapters in Hosea, God had pointed out the equal responsibility that all of Israel was to blame for the state of the nation. In chapter 5 however, the judgement here is particularly against leaders. These leaders have led their people in the worship of idols

In the unrepented state they bring sacrifice but they do not find God because He had withdrawn from them. While they go through the physical motions of bringing a sacrifice, their hearts were not in the right frame. Their hearts were on repentance as we see in their next action. It’s like saying sorry to someone and you don’t mean  it and they can see that you don’t mean it. You’re just saying it because it is what is expected?

Israel seeks help from others except God because their actions show they did not want to acknowledge their sin and repent of it.

Israel sought the protection of the Assyrians, instead of God made the situation worse. The affliction gets overwhelming then Israel begins to seek for God.

How does it apply to me today?

This chapter addresses priests and leaders, how does it apply to me you may think? Well in

1 Peter 2:9

But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession

You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood. As a believer you are a priest as you offer your worship, praise, prayers and sacrifices to God. 

If so, do we lead others to sin by our actions and choices? This chapter is one of self examination. Is there any area of life that I have or you are unwilling to let  God take control of? Is there something you do or say “that is the way I am” and you think it cannot be changed. The question is do you want it to change or are we being obstinate? 

And when we do find a sin, do we acknowledge it and repent of it or do we make excuses for ourselves and rationalise the sin? Its common the hear the phase “God understands”

Rationalizing sin is a limiting belief. Rationalising sin is saying I’m too big to apologise and repent. Rationalising sin is saying we are not ready to submit to God. As the bible says in Romans 6

That He has given the power to live above sin. And we need to tap into this.

The other lesson from Hosea chapter 5 is how we react when corrected. Truly it’s not easy for children and adults at the moment of correction.  Even The bible acknowledges this challenge that we all face in Romans 12:11.

11 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

 However, what we do after being corrected matters. 

When the leaders of Israel in Hosea 5 were corrected, what they did after was to seek help from king Assyria not God.

When the scriptures correct you or I, what do we do? Do we ignore it or rationalise it or do we admit our guilt and turn to God? What is God saying to us today? 

Thank you.

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