Show Notes

070 The Nonconformance Noah


Today we would be looking  a non conformant Noah in Gen 6: 9-22 

I can’t but wonder if the world is as like the time of Noah, would God find me righteous.

I observe all around Noah, were people who did evil and seemed to get away with it. It was Noah against the whole world.

God told Noah to build an ark, and cater for the feeding of the animals and his family.

Drawing and coloring a picture of Noah’s ark in sunday school didn’t help me under the ginormous structure it was. The ark that Noah built is estimated to be the half of St. Paul’s cathedral in London. The ark can hold upto 18 massive ships. That’s a lot of work. That kind of work can’t be done in secret. It would have required Noah’s time and resources and energy.

In this study, the tools we would use for this study are 

  1. Who, What, When, Where, and How tool
  2. What does it mean? 
  3. How does it apply to me today?

So let’s dig in and turn the bible to Genesis 6: 9-22

Who, what and how? 

While everyone around Noah did what was right in their own eyes, Noah  was blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God. Everyone around him then were full of corruption and violence, but Noah remained the minority but stuck to walking righteously before God even if no one followed him

Judgment day, God was going to judge the earth. God told Noah what He was about to do and commission a project to Noah.

We don’t know Noah’s previous experience, but God wanted him to build an ark. The ark that would save him and his family.

God gave Noah very detailed and clear specifications of what was required to build the ark, the type of wood, its length, breath, depth and the number of floors, the position of windows and doors. He was also instructed on all the people and  animals that would be on board the ark.

2 of every kind of animals that did nor live in  the ocean,

Noah’s family with his 3 sons and their wives.

What does it mean? 

While we may not know how long it took Noah to build the ark, we know the ark (measurement) was a huge structure that would have been visible to all. It was not the kind of project Noah could keep a secret in his backyard. 

The ark that Noah built is estimated to be the half of St. Paul’s cathedral in London. The ark can hold upto 18 massive ships. That’s a lot of work. That kind of work can’t be done in secret.

Noah might have faced a lot of insults,abuse etc from friends and the public at large. But he pressed on because he believed God. Noah followed every instruction God gave him. God spoke Noah heard and acted. 

It was a time of Judgement. God told Noah his purpose to destroy the wicked world by water. 

At first glance I wondered why didn’t Noah respond like Moses when God told them He was going to wipe off a set of people. “But I will establish my covenant with you, and you shall come into the ark, you, your sons, your wife, and your sons’ wives with you. (Genesis” 6:18, ESV) – God made Moses this same offer but his response was different. 

While there is no written text of  Noah verbally warning people, his righteous way of life was evidence for all to see. However, the massive structure of the ark was a testament in itself.

Was Noah’s righteous living showing others the level of their depravity?

How does it apply to me today?

Noah was hard working. Building the ark was no small thing. That’s a lot of work. That kind of work can’t be done in secret. It would have required Noah’s time and resources and energy. Having faith in God is no excuse for laziness. We see Noah laboured in the work of God. I see that we should Labour not only in our own businesses and career alone but also in the work of God.

( Hebrews 11:7 ) Noah prepared the ark by faith in the warning given that the flood would come,

Faith without works is dead. Noah showed his faith by building the ark when the rain had not even started.

God was about to do something. He found Noah and revealed it to him. The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him, Ps. 25:14

Do I fear God, would God reveal what He wants to do to me, I asked myself? Am I living my life not conforming to the dictate of this generation? Where everyone is doing what is right in their own eyes and justifying or rationalizing their  acts and way of life? A generation where good is called evil

Just as it is written in Romans 12:2

 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Am I living  non-conforming to the pattern of this world? Are you living non-conforming to the pattern of this world?

Noah was unashamed, the ark is built was massive for all to see

Paul was also unashamed, he preached the gospel of Jesus Christ

In our political corrected world I too stand unashamed  of  the gospel of Jesus Christ

One thought on “070 The Nonconformance Noah

  1. Thank you so much ma, God bless you for reminding me that I don’t need to conform to things of the world but hold on to the word of God and his promises irrespective of the situation am in.

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