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088 Whose law? _ Hosea 10


It is often inferred that success is evidence of God’s approval to the ways and means of success. In Today’s study we would be looking at Hosea 10, exploring Israel’s continued success and idol worshipping.

In this study, the tools we would use for this study are 

  1. Who, What, When, Where, and How tool
  2. What does it mean? 
  3. How does it apply to me today?

So let’s dig in and turn the bible to Hosea 10

Who, What, When, Where, and How tool

Israel enjoyed success and progress, for a long time. however as her progress and prosperity increased she also increased her worship of idols.

It is time to pay for the guilt of their idolatry,  which was the destruction of the idols they had put their confidence in. The altar they had built to idols were they perpetuated wickedness will  be destroyed

Israel loses faith in her political leaders as a result of continuous failed promises. And the poisonous discord this brought to the land. Israel had planted wickedness and deception which is why she was reaping evil. Israel had depended on her own strength so she would lose the battle and  the king of Israel would be completely destroyed.

Israel was afraid of the fate of some of their idols as they were  carried away as tribute to the King of Assyria. The same Assyria they had turned to looked to for help.

Israel is admonished to sow rightmensess so she can reap fruits of unfailing love.

It is time to seek the Lord until HE showers His righteousness on you.

What does (this passage ) mean? 

Having success or proposering is not a gauge to measure the righteousness of an individual or a nation. The means and the motive of success counts. While they prospered while being disobedient may have hardened Israel’s disposition in Idol worshiping as we see there is an increase in idol worshipping as the prospered.

There is an african proverb that says ” a lie may go on for years but eventually the truth will catch up with it.” Israel may have prospered while disregarding God’s ways and laws, but alas the time of judgement has come for Israel. 

The lost confidence in leadership is not an alien situation. When leaders make promises that they cannot keep or refuse to keep, the people they lead eventually lose trust in them.  

Israel was afraid of the fate of some of their idols as they were  carried away as tribute to the King of Assyria. The same Assyria they had turned to looked to for help. Israel seem a bit more concerned on the fate of their idols not judgment of their nation or its recovery

How does it apply to me today?

Israel was continuing in idol worshiping and was still prospering. We sometimes infer or presuppose a person must be doing something right if they are prospering. While God was giving Israel time to change her ways, Israel increased her degree of idol worshipping maybe supposing that is what gave her success.

In 2 Peter 3:9:  

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

We should not take God’s patience as endorsement to sin but rather God is giving us time to repent and avoid the judgement that sin brings.

Israel relied on the promises of its leaders and placed confidence in it. But they were let down by  their  leaders who didn’t fulfil those promises. That is an experience many people around the world  can identify with. Sometimes they have no intention of keeping their promises, at other times they are incapable of keeping those promises. The bible admonishes us  not to put confidence in the flesh or humans. Remember that our leaders are human and are prone to err. Which is why Paul in 1Timothy 2: 1-2 admonishes us to pray for the leaders

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—  for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness

While Israel might have been let down by their leaders not keeping promises, the crux of the matter is that Israel held seriously the promises their human leaders made but did not hold God’s  words and promises in that same high esteem.  This we can infer from their actions.

For you and me today, do we put our confidence in the laws of humans, the systems our nations have built, or do we put our confidence in God and His word?  It’s good to remember that, all human and human systems are prone to error but God’s word is flawless.

Ps 18:30

As for God, his way is perfect:  The Lord’s word is flawless;  he shields all who take refuge in him.

The question I ask myself is are my actions and choices based on God’s word or based on the human laws and systems around me.

The end doesn’t justify the means. And the success that doesn’t come from God is not true success indeed. The Truth will always win over a lie, even tough at times it may not seem so. You  just give it sometime and the truth is come our winner. The gains of sin yield sinners no satisfaction.

Also we see Hosea 10, the laws of seed and harvest time. When seeds are sown consciously or unconsciously, they will bring a harvest. Israel in Hosea was told the type of harvest she would receive for sewing evil. 

In conclusion: What seeds are you sewing, what seeds am I sewing daily? Are we looking forward to the harvest of what we have sewn.

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